Three.js is an open source JavaScript library that is used to display the graphics, 3D and 2D objects on the web browser. It uses WebGL API behind the scene. Three.js allow you to use your GPU(Graphics Processing Unit) to render the Graphics and 3D objects on a canvas in the web browser. since we are using JavaScript so we can also interact with other HTML elements. Three.js was released by Ricardo Cabello in April 2010.

Why we use Three.js?

  • Since Three.js is open source so we can easily watch the source code and understand the functionality of the code(functions).
  • When we use WebGL for Graphics then it doesn’t support most of the browser but Three.js supports most of the browsers.
  • It doesn’t required any third party plugin to run the code.
  • You just need to work on only one programming language JavaScript and off course HTML.

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Mon-Fri: 10.00AM - 08.00PM

Sat: 10:00AM - 01:00PM