It is a lightweight library for structuring JavaScript code. It is also regarded as the MVC/MV* kind of framework. If you are not familiar with MVC, it is basically an architecture pattern for implementing user interfaces. It separates the application into three kinds of components:

  • Model
  • View
  • Controller

The intention is to promote separation of concerns which results in better structured and more maintainable application. Backbone.js does provide the concept of model and views but Backbone.js views are like controllers in MVC. So it’s more way of the MV* kind of framework. And to be more accurate it is not even a framework it is just a library that you can use anywhere you want.

Backbone.js also provides the concept called a router. It is used for developing single-page applications. A single-page application is a kind of web application that fits on a single web page. Aiming to provide a rich user experience similar to desktop applications.

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