Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) is one of the several Java APIs for standard manufacture of enterprise software. EJB is a server-side software element that summarizes business logic of an application. Enterprise Java Beans web repository yields a runtime domain for web related software elements including computer reliability, Java Servlet Lifecycle (JSL) management, transaction procedure and other web services. The EJB enumeration is a subset of the Java EE enumeration.

The EJB enumeration was originally developed by IBM in 1997 and later adopted by Sun Microsystems in 1999 and enhanced under the Java Community Process.

The EJB enumeration aims to provide a standard way to implement the server-side business software typically found in enterprise applications. Such machine code addresses the same types of problems, and solutions to these problems are often repeatedly re-implemented by programmers. Enterprise Java Beans is assumed to manage such common concerns as endurance, transactional probity and security in a standard way that leaves programmers free to focus on the particular parts of the enterprise software at hand.

To run EJB application we need an application server (EJB Container) such as Jboss, Glassfish, Weblogic, Websphere etc. It performs:

  • Life cycle management
  • Security
  • Transaction management
  • Object pooling

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